Hamdard Suduri (Regular) is a delicious sugar-based syrup made from an extract of well-known herbal decongestants such as cough suppressants, a bronchodilator, and expectorant...
Nemoroid is an antiseptic, anesthetic, and anti-inflammatory herbal cream used to treat externally damaged and bleeding surfaces in piles, and wounds. Offers great comfort...
HamdardHealth CareMen's HealthPSL Craze SaleWomen's Day
Instant Joshanda is an herbal tea used to treat coughs, colds, and congestion. Reduces general cold cough Cures Influenza Helps in Headache Offers great relief...
DigestionHamdardHealth CarePSL Craze SaleWomen's Day
All BundlesBarkat-E-RamzanBundlesEid Ki MithaasHamdardHealth CareMaximum PleasurePakistan Day SalePSL Craze SaleSupplementsWinter Sale CarouselWomen's DayWomen's Health
Sualin tablets are made with carefully selected herbal elements and fortified with Toot Siyah's sore throat-relieving properties. Helps to cure sore throat Cures lung...
HamdardHealth CarePSL Craze SaleSupplementsWomen's Day
Qurs Mulayyin is a fast-acting natural herbal laxative that has been used to relieve constipation, indigestion and dyspepsia. Constipation associated with pregnancy Prevents Piles...
DigestionHamdardHealth CarePSL Craze SaleWomen's Day
All BundlesAll ProductsAzadi SaleBari Bari EidBarkat-E-RamzanBundlesDefence day saleEid Ki MithaasFather's DayHealth CareHibalifeJashan-e-azaadiMother's DayNew Year SalePakistan Day SalePSL Craze SalePSL Craze Sale'23SupplementsWinter Sale CarouselWomen's DayWorldcup Junoon
Hamdard Carmina is a Unani stomach supplement that helps regulate dyspepsia, heartburn, weight gain in the mid-section, and grumpy entrails condition. Removes Acidity Helps...
DigestionHamdardHealth CarePSL Craze SaleWomen's Day
100% Herbal, Tib e Nabvi based Liver Detox Benefits – Liver cleanse and detox, aids in managing Hepatitis, Ingredients – Kut Root, Fenugreek, Chicory,...